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I am an internet marketer . I have been an active marketer in the industry for 3 years. During this period I won contests with important internet marketing, CPA networks, lead generation i creat this website to help people to start online business, i share the value that you cant find it for free ,contact us :

Make $2000 a Month on AUTOPILOT with Viral Content and Ads Arbitrage !

Make $2000 a Month on AUTOPILOT with Viral Content and Ads Arbitrage !

Step 1
Register a domain, I won’t give mine away but it’s called Buzz....... This
way I can post anything interesting in multiple topics.

Step 2
Find a decent Wordpress theme, chuck a logo up on it from fiverr or if
you have the funds or knowledge customize the look and feel a little.
Some good Wordpress themes you could use:


Step 3
Now you need to add content, I would recommend adding at least 50
posts. Now don't just pinch other people's content as you may get into
trouble with ad networks etc. Go look at buzzfeed, viralnova and get
ideas from them and rewrite the posts or hire a writer from there’s plenty around.

You can also rewrite articles using 3 simple ways:
Free online rewriting websites

Software like TheBestSpinner

or use Wordpress Plugin
Free plugin

Paid plugin

Step 4
Now you have your site up and content created, it’s time to put some
ads up so you can earn money. I have had the best success from Taboola,
Propellerads, Adsense, Infolinks . Now there are plenty more networks
out there so you can play around with this a little.
Step 5
Now we have to drive traffic to the site and get people clicking on the
ads, I have spent ALOT of money testing which networks work and which
do not and below are the ones I really recommend to get a positive ROI.
This is a game of arbitrage buying traffic and then earning more from
Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can be quite pricey and whether or not a post goes viral is
just pure luck. However I use FB ads to water down the traffic a little as
some network especially adsense only like traffic from the big players. I
do not spend a lot of this just boost posts once in a while. When I initially
started I spent a lot of time trying to get traffic from facebook like
viralnova and the other big players but I believe this is now over

Outbrain is similar to Taboola and but the only difference is that its ALOT
cheaper, your posts get syndicated on popular sites and I have gotten
some good clicks for around $0.01 for USA and UK traffic something
that’s impossible with Taboola, however it is quite hard to monetize
those clicks even at that low price and earn big as an example for every
$50 I was earning about $70 through ads (Not bad but not hugely
impressive, however I am sure this can be increased with better
positioning of ads etc etc), but again especially if you are using adsense
then outbrain is a well respected source.

So this site is not as high quality as facebook and outbrain ads however I
get a super ROI with these guys especially for USA traffic and account
setup is super quick unlike gravity. I usually bid on dropped clicks and get
them for around $0.0008 per visitor. They do also have IAS filtered traffic
to make sure every visitor is 100% legit, I do use that but it’s a little more
expensive so my ROI drops a little. I create multiple campaigns on here
pointing to the post pages so most posts get traffic and promoted.

This is another cheap traffic source that gets quite good ROI the traffic
on this network is mainly from domains and redirects, obviously the
higher you bid the more traffic you get. Support is excellent and I also do
a similar method of promoting individual posts rather than directing all
of the traffic to the homepage.

Step 6
Now that you have a nice flow of traffic coming in I also have dabbled in
content exchanges so I used traffic from Zergnet, for every click you send
them they send 3-4 visitors back. However this did slightly lower
revenues for some reason. So if you decide to create a viral site around
movies or celebs then you can send USA traffic to zergnet via some of
the lower CPC. This is another site I am planning to do in the next couple
of months.

So over the past year I have earned really well with the above arbitrage
model. I have consistently been paid out.

I came across a viral type website doing exactly this but instead of ads
they used clickbank products. Was the top seller for 3-4 products and the
site went from 0 UV to over 700k UV/month in 8 months.
One twist you can do is use a redirect script so if a visitor goes to hit the
back button and exit your site, you can send them to another url (i.e. an
affiliate offer).

Let's say you're promoting weight loss. User comes in and goes to exit
without clicking on anything, but instead of losing them, you send them
to an offer that you had an ad on your site for. I can tell you from
experience you WILL make more sales. A LOT depends on your offers, of
course, but it does work with quality stuff.

You can also use free Wordpress Scrollbox plugin above to create boxes
containing whatever content you like: shortcodes, links, custom HTML,
anything really. It will then show boxes automatically after scrolling
down based on a percentage point or a certain element.

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Credit to Rasol michel 
have questions ? comment below !