How To Make Money With CPA offers With Free Traffic
Today I want to share with you another way to make $50 a day with free
targeted traffic. This method can take 1h per day of work.
Basically we will share CPA offers in forums, but on which forums &
which offers?
Let's Start!
Find some good forums about Coupons & Freebies /Surveys .
(Pickup 4 Forums)
(This is my list)
Before you pick up forums that you'll work in look at the stats of the
forums at Alexa. For example this is the stats from Alexa of
WeUseCoupons forum.
As you can see from the stats that this forum is very very good for
promoting our offers (US Cpa offers will work good on this forum)!
STEP 2 :
Sign up on all forums or to start pick only top forums from the list and
register. Build a reputation on those forums, because if you don't have a
good reputation on those forums moderators may ban you and delete your
posts . So now all you have to do is to keep calm and try to reach at least
100 posts.
Do it right!
There's no secret to building a good forum reputation. Be an active,
respectful participant. Contribute posts of value as often as possible, either
by answering queries or starting new, useful threads. Help other forum
members that way and they will look favourably upon you.
You want to develop relationships and communicate with members, be
part of the community, rather than only being there for the clicks. People
can spot that pretty quick these days.
Done right means actually engaging and contributing a.k.a. helping people
and reaping the benefits. You will build that way a good reputation and
trust. Is it fast? No. Does it work? Yes.
Some forums allow adding of signature to your profile (it will be showed
under your posts). So if you reach 100 posts on the forum you will be able
to add URLS in your signature.
STEP 3 :
Now all you have to do is to find a good offer on your CPA network
(cpa offer from FREEBIES / COUPONS Category) and create a cloaking
URL or use Bitly to short & hide offer link !
After you get an cpa offer create a good headline in your signature and add a
hyperlink of the offer URL to the headline. This is an example of the link
in signature :
When you click on Blog you will be redirect to So
basically you will do a signature like this!
One more way to do this part is to purchase signature places on these
forums from people who already built their profiles. Sites where you can
try this are seoclerk or fiverr. Those signatures are very hard to find but if
you do, it will be your goldmine!
STEP 4 :
Keep replying in the new posts (I said new because those new posts will
get a lot of views and most people will see your signature and they will
click on the headline then they will go to the CPA offer).
STEP 5 :
After about 15 days when you get good reputation you can start posting 3
money posts /week (posts that contain CPA offer) and then you will get a
lot of targeted visitors because when someone click on your post he really
wants to discover your Freebie or Coupon … so there is a possibility of
90% that user will opt-in the form in CPA Offer and that means money
for you.
Here is an example of an offer I used in my campaign.(I already had good
and trusted profiles in more than 5 big forums so that's why the
moderators didn't hide/delete my posts).
I used Sweet Daily Deals cpa offer:
Offer landing page:
To go one step further you got use co-reg offers and build your own
landing page that collects the users details, for example name, email
address etc. Then when they submit those details you can send them to coreg
links with there email address already populated etc. Send them an
opt-in email to receive more related offers if they are interested. Then
over time you would have built up your own email user base to market to
over and over again.