Email marketing
Email marketing is a powerful one to many online marketing strategy that can generate amazing results at relatively low costs. Email marketing can be broken down into transaction emails, direct emails and trigger emails. Each type can be very effective and be part of a highly successful campaign.
In the email marketing Section you'll learn about different email marketing tools, effective list building, best practices and advanced email marketing strategies. You'll be able to read about ways to increase email opt-in rates, maximize email open rates & click through rates, create effective auto-responder sequences and improve email deliver ability.
Every Artist Needs The Right Set of Tools
Before we start creating an email, let's procrastinate just a little and look at some tools that'llhelp you get your emails looking gorgeous while still keeping your life easy.
On A Mac...
- Evernote
This is a neat little screenshot tool. You can use it to resize and crop images.
- ColorSnapper
On A PC...
- Just Color Picker
A simple and easy color picker for PC.
On Both...
- Jing
Jing takes great screenshots and is super easy to use.
- Flickr
The Commons on Flickr is an awesome resource for grabbing images to use in your emails.
Morguefile is another great spot for images you can use. Please just always double-check the fine
print to make sure you can use the image for commercial use (if you're using it commercially).
Image Editing Program
There are tons of free and easy image editing programs both online and for your desktop. I like
Aviary ( and PicMonkey (, Mad Mimi's Vicki likes and our Rylan enjoys the desktop Photoshop experience.
I also recommend drafting your emails on a basic text editor. If it reads well in plain text, it'll
read well in the inbox!
The Technical
It's worth getting to know these tools. They'll be your sidekicks. By familiarizing
yourself with their basic uses, you'll avoid running into roadblocks along your
composition journey. That means less stress.
At some point you may need to get an image sized so it renders beautifully and downloads fast
for your readers. You'll need to know what a hex code is so you can match your website's lovely
color scheme.
Facing this stuff now will give you far more confidence down the road and won't interrupt your
compositional flow. Don't spend too much time exploring these tools, just get acquainted with
them - you'll get to know them much better later.
The Philosophy
It's all about the company you keep! Using simple but powerful tools is empowering.
It will save you tons of time and result in a better email.